E2 Immigration Attorneys & Lawyers
Find out why you don’t need to use an Immigration Attorney or Immigration Lawyer and why you could end up spending thousands of pounds more than you have to.
Tel: +44 (0) 1702 820 012
Mon – Fri 9am – 6pm
Do I need to hire an Immigration Attorney or Lawyer to handle an E2 visa applciation?
It is always better to have someone prepare your application who knows what to look for and how the embassy want your paperwork to be presented to them. But, do you need a Lawyer? The answer is “No”, you do not!
What can be the pitfalls of using an Immigration Lawyer?
- Generalists: Since Immigration Lawyers are dealing with many different types of Immigration cases on a daily basis, they are unlikely to focus purely on E2 visa applications.
- Availability & Access: With the distraction of a demanding caseload or dealing with the type of immigration cases which involve asylum or refugees, lawyers can sometimes be hard to contact and clients can be left waiting for days on end to receive email responses or simply speak with the attorney. Additionally, because of how stretched their time can be very often clients find that after an initial consultation with an Immigration Lawyer or Attorney, the bulk of the application work is simply passed to a paralegal secretary or junior member of the firm to complete.
- Slow: Because your file is likely to be on a desk somewhere waiting for attention, the length of time it can take to ready your application for submission can be frustrating.
- Time is Money: Lawyers and Attorneys generally charge for each and every time they speak to you or answer an email which means your final bill can increase dramatically just because you are asking questions that you need to be answered.
What are the benefits of using E2 Visa Express?
- Specialists: E2 Visa Express are 100% focused on E2 visa applications and our small team have all lived and worked in the USA themselves having obtained an E2 visa.
- Dedicated Consultant & Direct Line: Following your initial review you will have a direct line, email and mobile number fo your dedicated consultant who will be contactable during extended office hours and will deal with your application all the way through to its completion.
- Speed: Once we have received all the necessary documents from yourself, we will prepare your application ready for submission within 7 days!
- Capped Fee: Our fees are final no matter how often we talk to you or reply to your emails! We charge a flat fee and it will not get any bigger simply because you have important questions to ask!